Monthly Archives: September 2007

I saw a link to once, and was intrigued. So I clicked (advertising actually works, eh?) and was immediately dismayed. The site is a great example of what not to do- pictures of young children with sad eyes popping

Posted in old blog, Random Ramblings

Iran’s president speaks

“Unfortunately human rights are being extensively violated by certain powers, especially by those who pretend to be their exclusive advocates. Setting up secret prisons, abducting persons, trials and secret punishments without any regard to due process, extensive tapping of telephone

Posted in old blog, Random Ramblings


This is weird. I have a post that is for some reason giving me a lot of trouble. I tried posting it earlier today, and it took the site down for a few hours while I tried to troubleshoot. I’ve

Posted in old blog, Random Ramblings, The Site


Here’s a quick update on me- I’m working pretty intensely on managing the campus TV show. Started training people on our new DVX100Bs, which was fun to revisit myself. Went to a wedding last weekend. I wore suspenders and was

Posted in old blog, Random Ramblings


The most interesting reading I’ve done all day is the transcript of the interview Ahmadinejad gave 60 Minutes last week. I watched a bit of his speech today at Columbia University, and am not sure what to think. He has

Posted in old blog, Random Ramblings

Apathetic youth

Once again, Colbert hits the nail on the head. You’ve probably heard about the U of Florida guy getting tasered at a John Kerry event. What bothered me the most about the situation wasn’t that Andrew Meyers got tasered (he

Posted in old blog, Random Ramblings

Mango Languages

I found this on Mango. It’s a language learning program- totally free. It looks very similar to Rosetta Stone (which by the way, is often available through your public library). I haven’t had time to play around with it

Posted in old blog, Reviews


ChinStr.apps is a niche hobbyist app development company, specializing in apps for birders and homebrewers and in making Big Data relevant. Read more about ChinStr.apps.